No it is not ok but what you fail to realize is that the attitude toward "classic" soccer is second to HS soccer in the Columbia. Now with that being siad can Columbia compete IF all the players were in one spot.....OF COURSE. Do I have an answer for this OF COURSE NOT. There are so many details in this idea.

What I meant above is that if you ask kids in Columbia .....The majority would say they would rather win a HS State Championship that an SCYSA title. The emphasis is more on the HS game in our area. That won't change any time soon.

Now you are going to battle me with the kids can't get better w/o a good club atmosphere. Right and wrong. Look you can have the CASL's ATL Fire Dallas Texans etc and that's great and all and more power to them but the bottom line is this kids get better by playing the game PERIOD. Yes they get better by playing at a higher level but that doesn't mean that we must have ONE club in Cola. Has it worked for CESA....So far YES. But it will not work in Cola.

Our best bet is to take the top 5/6 from each HS in Cola let them play at CSC/NECSA and hope they can challenge for a title. That would serve everybody. How do you decide ....I don't know. I know at NECSA Tripp would be the canidate for the top team and has a great track record for winning and MANAGING the top talent. Now CSC has the best facilities but I think this year proved that some of the CSC coaches have yet to master the MANAGING aspect of that level of soccer. Not a knock but it takes time to get to that level.

On a side note IF Bert is on at CSC like their website claims he WAS A MASTER OF THE ELITE Teams!!! Those Patriot teams he had were outstanding!!!!Now I don't know if he can coach that age group anymore w/ NCAA rules etc but that is who I would tab as the next ELITE team coach in Cola. Just my thoughts

Enjoy the one and only BROWN ALE!@!!!