MC - I described my daughter's team in that manner, as I stated then, that we as a team believed them to be too young to be playing Premier. That is the reason we "didn't even try." They were simply not realistically ready for it. I also stated that there is a lot more to life than soccer at that age. Thus, we chose the tournament route.
If you think my statement on CESA 89P could have even been close to "insulting" then you are reading something that I don't. Simple as that.
I am not about to get into an e-mail argument over this subject. If you wish to play "political analyst" and read more into a comment than was acually there or put a spin on it, that is your right. Really, it does not matter.
I am personally done with this subject as I have made my point. I think it is great that there are others out there that disagree with it. Hopefully, a few agree.