
The personal attack on Lou Pantuosco is not necessary and not warranted. As I reminded you on a prior post, Lou, along with myself and Bob Blaschke (see above), started a club from scratch five years ago and quickly built it into a contender. Northside has been able to field competitive teams in many age brackets. A large part of the success of the Fort Mill boys (#6), Fort Mill girls (#2) and Northwestern boys (#3) programs can be attributed to the foundation that was laid by Lou Pantuosco. Lou also played an active role in recruiting the Northwestern boys varsity and Northwestern boys JV coaches to relocate to this area.

In addition, the Fort Mill girls varsity coach, the Northwestern girls varsity coach and the Fort Mill boys varsity assistant coach have all been on the Northside staff.

What's happening now is much like the break up of a marriage. People change, people get other ideas, people want to move in other directions. There are no villains in this and your attempt to label Lou Pantuosco as the primary cause is wrong.

Let's hope this divorce doesn't get too messy and let's put this issue to rest. No more commentary from Hartsville please, you're out of the loop.