I'm curious why anyone needs further information? Obviously the players on the team and their parents are aware that their coach has been involved in this incident and what punishment was administered. If you do not have a child on this team, than why does it matter. If the suspension is a year, than you have 12 months before ever dealing coming in contact with this coach, assuming you have a child in the age group and location that this coach will be coaching, if he coaches again. At that point in time, the punishment will have been served.

Even if it were relevant, a public forum for parents, fans, and players is hardly an appropriate place for this information to be broadcast. If you are not in a position to know this information already, than you most likely do not need to know. If for some reason you still feel you are entitled to know the coach's name, there are email links on the Bridge website were inquiries can be made in a more discrete and appropriate manner.

The fact remains that after 44 posts on this topic, NOT ONE person actually witnessed the event in question. The only thing happening is speculation and hearsay which is not helpful. I agree that this thread shoulc be closed.

For the record, I have no affiliation with any of the parties involved in this incident.