Originally posted by Shearer:
Quit digging Pretty.....CESA RULZ ok now lets move on.

Difference in CESA and CSC is PARENTS. Pearse and Andrew run CESA...along w/ parky and so on CSC is run by the worst parents of all......IRMO PARENTS!!!! Their children do no wrong.....the "contraband"(sp) in the car was someone elses......Another child poured the beer down my chlids throat and so on.....you can only imagine when a BOD memeber was "humiliated" when their kid was put on the "b" team.

you get What I am saying right.....


Don't know about Irmo parents, but you are partially correct about the club differences. Pearse and Andrew are really the difference. CSC didn't have the quality leadership with Crosby. If Pearse and Andrew weren't delivering what they said they would, do you think the parents would be sitting idly by? The people who provide the money are going to complain, at any club, if the club isn't making any progress and delivering on their promises. Over the past two years if you had swapped the DOC(s) from the two clubs, do you think CESA would be the dominant club or CSC? My feelings are with Pearse and Andrew at CSC they would be the premier club.