Side note:
Victimization: If a family member gets abused (physical/emotional) is it termed A)being a victim B)Oprah-ization or C)being a survivor (assuming they live) ? I believe that a person who was hurt does not want to be known as a victim for the rest of their life, but they want to come out of an incident known as a survivor. When something truly happens why do some of us want to whitewash the whole discussion as if it never happened by throwing out the pity party card? If something happened call it for what it is. However, I am well aware that America has become the "blame it on someone else" society in order to not accept responsibility and this does cloud many positions.

Accepting Responsibility:
We often jump to one side of an issue because we want to believe the person and we might think that they have the best interest of us in their minds. However, as we have learned from history, until we learn the facts it is wise to form ones opinion and wait until the facts come out to express his/her opinion. Remember Bill Clinton and, "I never had sex" or George Bush talking about weapons of mass distruction? How about Susan Smith and her aledged reports. We are often a passionate society and like to express our opinions. However, when we or leaders are wrong with our expressions, or lack thereof, we need to accept responsibility, receive consequences if necessary, and move forward.
I believe this is a great website for expressing opinions but we must understand that these are mostly opinions and not always facts. I wanted to believe Bush, Clinton, and Smith and expressed my opinion before knowing the facts. I've learned and I hope others learn that we are often deceived by what we hear or see. What counts is how we handle when we're wrong.