"Shame on CSC if they did not have some sort of contractual agreement with him."

Darn. I need to talk to my organization about signing me for a contract. I must be in the minority on contract signing.

I agree with GFCPOP21. What is done is done. Clubs are moving forward. I believe this will be good for Columbia soccer once things get hashed out in the next 4-5 months.

I suspect CESA found finding fields in Columbia a lot harder than in the upstate. County run fields do not like to share with the clubs and want exclusion rights to the fields for their rec programs. A lot of the county programs make money from the rec programs and do not want to see that revenue stream disappear. A lot of clubs in Columbia has disappeared because of this problem. Chapin Soccer Assoc., PGSA, and Carolina FC to name a few have died because of this exact problem.

I know for a fact that someone promised CESA some fields in Chapin. I knew that someone was making promises that they couldn't keep because Chapin protects those fields like it was their baby and their was no way they would allow any club team including CSC to use those fields except for a 1-2 day type event. Even then the first drop of rain and the fields will close.

***But this is all just my speculation on the subject and may have no bearing on CESA.