Greenacres, I think your correct...she only coaches club in the fall. Chapindad, I KNOW you are correct. Soccer-SC, get your facts together before you spout off.

Personaly, I hope the coaches that left CSC do start coaching somewhere else in the Cola area. Everyone of them is an outstanding coach it would be ashame for them to not be out there.

Let me make this very clear I AM NOT ANTI CESA. I think they have done great things in the upstate.

The point I was making is that there are currently 10 different programs in Cola...What good will one more do? We don't have enough players to support the 10 programs we have! If you really think CESA (or any other club)can come in and do it better or give more opportunities to more kids than the clubs that are already here, your out of your mind! If you can not find what you are looking for with the 10 programs we already have, maybe, just maybe it's you and not the programs.

Do other youth sports have this much drama?