Chico, I agree with you 100% on the need for change in the Cola area. I too am a big fan of the CSC/NECSA merger as well as CRSA and their abilities as a developmental league. However, if you soley base your arguement on numbers you need to break them down to qualify them not just quantify. The population break down is not the same (not even close) for the Greenville, Columbia and Charleston areas. For example there are aproximately 15,000 more kids from ages 5-17 in the Greenville area (Greenville & Spartanburg counties) than in the Columbia Area (lexington & Richland counties) each with 4 SCYSA clubs that I could find. By my estimate the Charleston area should be the one with the best "choice" or worst depending on how you look at it. The socio-economic break down is almost identical to Columbia...the Charleston area has approximately 6,000 more kids (5-17) and 6 SCYSA clubs that I could find. Granted you could make the argument that you can not group Spartanburg and Greenville counties together because they are more spread out than Lexington and Richland. However, if you look past just the population numbers and get into the population breakdown by age, income, race becomes even more evident that Greenville and Spartanburg have a much more pronounced numbers advantage.

Just my research on the matter here is where the numbers came from:

I feel for the parents involved with AAU if it's worse than soccer.