I think that if you are younger, it is important to seek out the best coaching which tends to be at the bigger clubs but not all the time.

As you get older and decide that you want (or better said-- that you have the skill) to play at a bigger D.1 school, then it is important to play for a club that has some name recognition or plays in tournaments where they will get seen. However, many players today rely too much on this visibility and do not fully market themselves. Also, many players and parents feel that since they play for a bigger club, that automatically entitles them to a D.1 scholarship.

For instance, you play for a team that goes to Disney or the Dallas Cup or any of the other showcases. Well, great. But, do you sit on the bench the whole time? Is that better or would it be better to play for a second tere club that goes to fewer or less glamorous tournaments but be a starter and big contributor on that team?

Visibility is one aspect of the recruiting process, but so is skill, proper marketing and classroom performance.