After watching the Girls ODP tryouts this weekend in Smvle, SC and seeing most of the SC teams get their shorts handed to them by the GA and NC teams, I can see why SC schools look elsewhere. Those girls were intense, and in top physical shape. After talking to some of the parents, they practice 2 times a month for ODP in addtion to their club practice time of 3 times a week with an additional day of skills training. Then they send them to soccer camps in the summer. I was in awe with the skills from the 93's up to the 89's. I think the 92's from GA could whip any SC Varsity team. They were huge, played together and had soccer moves that aren't seen around here to much. Bottom line - our clubs are so fragmented in our state therefore have a difficult time competeing with Charlotte and Atlanta area clubs. Cesa and the Bridge are on the right track but have long way to go.