ACTUALLY, those two players from Mt. Pleasant were previously on the SSC Lightning U12 Boys team. They never played for the Bridge FA.

CIWS*GK, you seem to be inferring that The Bridge FA Gold team was hurt by Mt. Pleasant “gaining” those two players. Maybe you could clarify exactly why the players changed clubs. If I remember correctly, one of them tried out, but did not make the Bridge team. The other wanted to focus more on another sport, and felt the Mt. Pleasant team was not as serious about soccer as the Bridge team. Small details, I suppose.

That’s an awful bold statement about Mt. Pleasant winning the cup – no “I think” or “maybe”? How did they do against the other teams in the bracket, and what has changed since the Fall that will put them out on top?

Hurst66, GVLSoccerDad is correct, and they have a very competitive team.