Soccer For Fascists,

You have been watching WAY too much of "That Seventies Show." Besides, I doubt Red Forman would care much for the sport of soccer.

You said yourself that the Bridge 92 Gold were inconsistent, so why would the tie with Lexington surprise you?

Are you saying that player commitment on the Mt. Pleasant team was higher several weeeks ago, but has since diminished? What have you been saying to those boys?

I realize that Tega Cay has not played their toughest games yet, but they certainly have a lot of players who have been scoring a lot of goals, to only have ONE very good player. Maybe your idea of very good and mine are just a little different. How many VG players would you say that the Mt. Pleasant team has?

I happen to believe that Mt. Pleasant DOES have a good team - it is sad to hear that you only feel that they COULD have a good one. I am sure that the coach and the other parents appreciate your optimism.

I stand by my comment on your anger management always seem to resort to threats of violence when things don't go your way. Did you get beat-up a lot when you were a kid?