Your choice of screen name is interesting, as you don’t appear to “have fun” with any aspect of the game itself...preferring instead to talk trash and verbally abuse other posters.

You talk about getting personal...let’s see...I’ve lost track of how many times you’ve called me an idiot...and an SOB...and, oh yeah...last time you posted, seems like you mentioned something about your foot up my butt. I don’t know how you were raised, but I consider that pretty personal.

The sad part here is that you are so very serious about the game, I don’t think there is any way possible that you can actually enjoy it. You either don’t care at all about anybody around you, or you are so intent on making sure that each and every boy on that field hears every instruction of yours that you have absolutely no clue how miserable you are making everyone around you.

I feel especially bad for the boys on your side of the field, but get some small sense of relief knowing that they only have to put up with your rantings for half the game. Poor center mid-fielders, though...I doubt they catch a break at all.

I’m not sure where you get the “cocky” part from. If you go back and look at my posts, I think (pretending for just a moment that you are a reasonable and logical person) you should see that I am a pretty upbeat and optimistic person. I don’t even let people like you get me down.

I don’t know about you (it’s hard to tell through all the vitriolic language you spew) but I thoroughly enjoyed watching the Mt. Pleasant boys play their hearts out today. It was clear to me that they wanted to win that game more than the Bridge team. I am sure that several of those boys, along with their parents, will be welcome additions to the Bridge “family” next season.

Again, congratulations to the Mt. Pleasant team on a great match today.