Well, I did what you asked and here are the “upbeat and optimistic” comments you’ve posted (there are more out there):

Belligerent Member # 3514 posted March 31, 2006 10:49 AM

…RCates has apologized for the announcement he made at the game, but each time you add your comments here, YOU look more and more like the idiot you claim HIM to be. First of all, you really should try and READ and UNDERSTAND what people are saying here BEFORE you start typing a response…

…Soccersupper, you appear to be suffering from an extreme case of foot-in-mouth disease, of which the only known cure is to immediately close your mouth.

Belligerent Member # 3514 posted February 14, 2006 09:46 AM

It is almost impossible to take someone on this board calling someone else a moron who has as horrible a grasp of the English language as you appear to have.

Please go back to school or hire a tutor before you return and make a fool of yourself again.

Belligerent Member # 3514 posted May 26, 2005 09:47 AM
….We left our former club (city-run) because it was composed mostly of rednecks, and soccer was at the bottom of the totem pole when it came to level of importance within the organization…

Belligerent Member # 3514
posted April 02, 2006 09:46 PM
…I am sure that several of those boys, along with their parents, will be welcome additions to the Bridge “family” next season…

I really don’t know why anyone would want to join your team, “family”.
You obviously don’t want anyone who can’t write as well as you, spell as well as you or rednecks. You must really find my wife and I very interesting to observe and comment on our interactions all game long you “Nosey Biddy Body(s)”. As a previous ‘SUMMERVILLE LIGHTNING PARENT’, I became sick of a few parent’s ranting about how they and their children couldn’t understand the Coach’s Trinidad-Tobagoan speech. When he asked for transportation to tournaments, I knew no one would offer, thus I drove (Mt P to Summerville to the tournament and back, well out of my way) and, I believe we had a good time. You obviously view your role on the sideline as conducting some sort of ‘SUMMERVILLE SOCIAL EXPERIMENT’. I find MerrittDempseyishot’s post [April 10, 2006 10:20 PM] equally interesting, “Maybe if everyone keeps moving down field from "soccer for fun," he'll finally get the message!” I can guarantee there will be no correlation between the two.

On the topic of parents coaching from the sidelines, your team’s, my team’s and several others ALL yelling ‘Kick It’ when the balls 30+ yards out and there’s plenty of other options for passes and skilled dribbling doesn’t help [Read: “Best Practices for Coaching Soccer in the Untied States”]. The ‘Nice Shot’ when the ball goes wide or over just reinforces bad technique. A ‘nice shot’ is a shot ON goal! You wonder why I’m loud; it’s to drown out those comments [Look at that for a possible correlation]. The same parents arguing with officials about his calls were the same ones asking me what the call was last year on your team. If you want to know what the call was get your referee license or at least read, understand and keep up with the changes to the Laws of the Game. Your 'player???' kept pushing our players in the back of the neck, the referee gave him a stern warning on the fifth time and yellow carded him the next time. The two slide tackles your 'players???' made from behind: “International Football Association Board Decision 4 of Law 12 says a tackle from behind which endangers the safety of an opponent must be sanctioned as serious foul play”. “Does it endanger the player?” is the question. The kid that was tackled took a while to get up and got up limping. The punishment of the player who commits “a tackle from behind which endangers the safety of an opponent, must be sanctioned as serious foul play” means that the referee must send the offending player off for a foul from behind. Our coach argued the no-call and was given a Caution himself. Again, your parent’s sideline comments were interesting.

On the topic of ‘obnoxious during a game’; I respect your DOC for his personal soccer accomplishments, as a trainer and ability to startup the Bridge concept, but as a game coach, I'm suspect of his capabilities. [See: the “Best Practices for Coaching Soccer in the US”, on playing-up] If the U12s (BridgeFA Red) aren’t able to handle a [Good] physical game, go back to U12. The Coach yelled at the Refs the entire game, had a 5 minute discussion at half with the Refs and lastly resorted to telling his players to just lie down when our players came to challenge them – talk about distracting to the players and disruptive to the game[Look at that for a possible correlation too]! Our players just stopped playing every time he started yelling.

On the topic of the kid that was ‘cut’ from BridgeFA: 1) he has scored more goals in Division play than any midfielder from either Bridge or Mt Pleasant, and 2) only two players from Bridge and three players from Mt Pleasant have scored more goals (not to mention assists). Fantasyland! If he was cut, what did your coaches/parents miss? Get a Clue! I was also tired of seeing the click of a few parents choosing who played and didn’t. Tryouts were very interesting to observe, a coach surrounded by parents giving him advice. Did someone say, “Let's let the coaches give the advice, and let the parents set a good example. [MerrittDempseyishot posted April 10, 2006 10:20 PM]” A ‘PARENT’ the Assistant Coach? Get over that, get kids who are the ‘Best’ if you’re the ‘BRIDGEFA’. (Note: that’ll be a challenge with practices in Summerville, an hour and one half drive during rush hour, gas prices at $2.50/gal, last minute notice of field closure so when you get there – there’s no practice, locked facilities (yes, there are trees) and poor fields with only one lighted. But the trainers are great!) If you have some inside knowledge about player selection, I’d hardly want my son trying out for your team, you might post it in a public forum as retribution for ‘something’. Face it, all but two players are Summerville Lightning players, YOU ARE THE ‘SUMMERVILLE LIGHTNING’. “BridgeFA”, hah, you’re riding on the backs of the U15s, now that’s the BridgeFA concept (JI, MtP, Sv, Chas, FtD, WA, Bft, MB...practices at a central location and an unlocked outhouse – bonus!).

Again, if you have some inside knowledge on player selection, please convey your source.
