Okay, yes, I am an idiot, and obviously a little slow (I DO have to drag around the 200lb weight attached to the foot up my a$$, after all) but I fail to see where any of your post explains why you left the NECSA fields before your game was over Saturday...which WAS the original question. As you seem to have great difficulty focusing, might I add Ritalin to the list of medications you need to take?

You did a great job of taking the first two posts (of mine) out of context. Anyone who goes back and looks at the entire thread will clearly see that I was trying to defend another poster who was being verbally attacked. With the third post, you completely ignored the portion of my post that said “soccer was at the bottom of the totem pole when it came to level of importance within the organization.” That was a fairly important part of the statement.

Your wife is a very nice, kind, and polite lady, and she has nothing to do with this. Personally, I, along with the majority of players and other parents at the field, would rather NOT observe YOUR interactions during matches, but are forced to because we can’t hear anything else. And, are you still transporting the BFA coach everywhere? If not, somehow he has managed to find his way to games, even without your assistance.

When it comes to soccer parents, there seems to be extremes on both ends of the spectrum – those who 1) don’t know much about the game, but want to learn; and 2) those who seem to feel they know everything about it, and want to make sure everyone else knows it, while at the same time, making the former [1)] feel like idiots. You are a soccer “snob.” Believe it or not, there are actually some people in this world who don’t understand everything there is to know about the game – a little compassion towards them would go a long way. I feel sorry for anyone who has ever asked you a question about soccer – I’m sure you did your best to help them out.

I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt about your rantings, but your response to MerrittDempseyishot regarding “everyone moving down the field” from you, where you say “I can guarantee there will be no correlation between the two,” made it clear that you DO realize how discourteous you are to people, and just don’t care.

Not sure why you keep bringing up the game from a few weeks ago – Mt. Pleasant won fair and square. I have acknowledged this and congratulated the Mt. Pleasant team more than once. I guess, in your mind, it’s okay for your coach to scream at the ref, but not any other coaches? (see below)

Regarding the Mt. Pleasant–Bridge Red match, that was two months ago...again, not sure why you felt it necessary to bring that up – you say “If the U12s (BridgeFA Red) aren’t able to handle a [Good] physical game, go back to U12.” They DID handle it, and beat the Mt. Pleasant team. Every coach has his own style, but based on his record, your comment “I'm suspect of his capabilities” leaves me wondering what exactly you are thinking.

Your use of statistics is astounding and impressive – enough said.

I’m not sure whose tryouts you “observed,” but no U13 coach evaluated the U13 boys. If you have a problem with your son having been “cut,” I suggest you take it up with the DOC, as he is the only person, to my knowledge, who makes those decisions. Next time you go to a tryout, if you look closely, you should see the “evaluators” scribbling on sheets of paper. Those sheets of paper are called “evaluations” and the “evaluators” are “evaluating” players. My guess is that the DOC uses these “evaluations” when determining rosters. But, I could be completely wrong – you seem to think that the parents get together and vote on it. Again, there is only one person who can answer that question.

I don’t know where you get YOUR information from, but I count 5 players who were not previously on a Lightning roster. Maybe you’re using that “new” math?

I know of a team that has held the majority of their practices on James Island, and another that practices mostly on Daniel Island – again, who are YOU talking to?

You say (ask?) “A ‘PARENT’ the Assistant Coach?” Was there a point somehow hidden in that statement/question?

Since you brought the incident up, I’ll give some advice to anyone who brings their child from another part of town to SSC...if there have been heavy showers recently (in this particular case, a deluge), and you are getting ready to begin “an hour and one half drive during rush hour…” call the club hotline beforehand to see if the fields are closed…it might save you a LOT of trouble.

You say “riding on the backs of the U15s.” I know what the phrase means, but I have absolutely no clue what you mean in this case.

After all this, I STILL don’t know why Mt. Pleasant didn’t show up to finish the game a couple weeks ago...

You have managed to insult not only me (which is understandable), but your OWN team’s parents, our team’s parents, the majority of the U13 boys division teams’ parents, our DOC, our facilities, and the hundreds of other parents who have spent countless hours VOLUNTEERING their time at the club. Are you sure you didn’t forget anyone?

And, lastly, I initially responded to your misleading comment a couple months ago about roster changes. If you feel that I in any way spoke negatively about your son, I apologize. He’s a nice kid, with great skills and an apparent love for the game that I wish every player had.