After a self-imposed exile from this forum, I thought I would weight-in on this issue. KH, I hope this is ok.

First, a disclaimer...I have not been on the SCYSA board since my term expired in August. I am not connected with any club other than my son plays for NECSA and I'm a former NECSA board member (left almost three years ago).

Second, my guess is that I know less about the NECSA/CESA complaint than anyone else around because I have not paid any attention (and don't want to).

Chico wrote: "Personally, what I honestly don't understand is why bylaws aren't added to specifically restrict clubs if the majority of the SCYSA membership want it done. Trying to tip-toe around it through some adding caveats to the interpretation of all of this seems as if it will have this tied up in court for years."

The problem I saw with rules and by-laws at SCYSA is that you just cannot write a rule or by-law that covers everything.

We would write a rule. Some club or coach (and I am not accusing anyone in particular--this applies to lots of clubs and lots of coaches) finds a way to bend the rule, avoid the rule, break the rule. Honestly, sometimes I would think that soccer folks are just a bunch of cheating bast--ds.

So, we would have to deal with it. Re-write the rule, interpret the rule, threaten to sanction the violators, etc. My experience was that the folks on the SCYSA board tried to fairly enforce the rules for the good of the largest number of youth soccer players.

Believe me that it is not an easy job. Anyone that complains about the board should try sitting at the table for two years.

So, Chico, while in theory, I agree with you that the by-laws should be clearly written, etc., it is not that simple in practice.

One final thought...a lot of this discussion is based on speculation. None of you (or me) knows all of the facts. My advice is to wait until more information is public, then you can jump to conclusions and insult each other. [ok, maybe that was harsh--then you can discuss the topic politely].