USMNT2014: Thanks...I thought I was just being misleading in my writing and apologize for any confusion due to a lack of clarity. The only thing I've tried to argue is (1) there are high fan expectations for CUFC I've heard both verbally and seen on this message board and (2) those high expectations seem to be translating to parity with CESA in terms of 2006-2007 state championships. I tried to put myself in the shoes of those fans and argue why it was possible. I do think your point concerning a more competitive environment is also valid -- and I think anyone counting Bridge out isn't paying attention to how serious and competitive that club is. In addition, there are strong "one-off" teams (the NECSA U18B team this year and the Lexington U17B team next year spring to mind) that might also be very strong contenders.

Once you put together the best players you can, regardless of the club, it comes down to execution. Issues such as how much training is offered, how well the coach gets the players to work together, how much the players and coaches are willing to sacrifice their social time to go to the best events possible, and the like seem to me to then be paramount to the success of the team. Hopefully we'll see CUFC dive in and really nail these types of issues so that increasing numbers of kids have an opportunity to receive some great services regarding youth soccer.