As I stated in a reply in a related topic, things can be changed to better development for the top players in South Carolina. There's not enough top players to be segmented, however, DOCs will have to swallow their "pride pill" and "self-building State Cup titles" and allow top players to have what's best, whether they provide it or not.

Regardless of how much a CESA, or top club, might think they "have it all," there are still alot of players from distances away they don't have that need the top environment, consistently, with other top players. Remember, adding a top player and telling him/her to make the long trip once a week or every two weeks is not development.

An idea is to have 1) a committee of top soccer coaches (club, college) to 2) appoint a full-time DOC and then 3) serve as his technical group and work closely in making all soccer/development decisions like league formation, training environments/curriculum and, of course ODP restructuring.

In addition, I believe the ODP pools, in this state, should be year round teams that play under a club (or maybe a SCYSA-formed Columbia based club just for that matter) and play Premier League and/or US Club. Does that mean seperating and catering to the elite? YES. Decisions for the majority doesn't develop the minority, the best! You can still have SCYSA leagues for the other clubs/teams and they'll only play one another in State Cup. If the elite teams win, then it should. If the elite teams don't win, then things are advancing, maybe, for an outside group and a player or two could be identified. But this way, the best players are guaranteed to play and train together with top coaches.

The most important thing is the top players train, at least, 3 times a week in Columbia (or a central location)so they actually train and move around on weekends when there's not matches. With so few top, top players, they need to be in the same environment constantly.

I know this all seems drastic and different, and there's probably a better chance of seeing SCYSA brass (like Mary Bynum) juggling 3 times, but it's needed. Get rid of administrators making soccer decisions and allow that to the best soccer people. South Carolina needs thorough and wholesale change!