>>[Beezer] Will it happen? No, because that would effect results and income for DOCs.<<

Let me try to recap your argument here; please correct me where I'm missing something. The only way for SC to compete consistently on a regional and national basis is to create statewide teams that train together a lot. The only thing in the way of this are the club DOC's who stand in the way because of their focus on winning and money.

Basically, it's the competitive structure among clubs in SC that is the issue with the individual profit-motive of DOC's causing behavior that is not only ignorant but malicious as well at least at the DOC level.

To fix this, we need a less competitive structure in the state so that we can communally work together for better results at a regional and national level.

Using the ODP structure but changing it significantly to increase competency within that structure is the answer.

Okay...let's get to your specific proposals.

>>1) The ODP program has to be restructured with new personnel and curriculum<<

It seems to me that the ODP program has changed significantly with college coaches taking over most age groups and bringing "next level" training with them. Specifically, are there other personnel being excluded or curricula being ignored that need to be included?

>>2) People like Mary Bynum and other administrators can not be making soccer decisons at all.<<

Specifically, what soccer decisions are being made by the ODP administrators that are the issue?

>>3) The player pools from the state have to be playing together year round, from a young age, with top coaches. Bottom line! There are not enough good players.<<

As I noted before, this is a bit of a chicken and egg problem. You condemn the club/DOC structure on the one hand but you've offered nothing that would increase the depth of our player pool beyond aggregating the best players from the existing club structure and having them train together more. ODP personnel already get tremendous complaints concerning what training [and associated travel] that exists. Isn't the true root cause that we need more players from whom highly ambitious players can arise who are more willing to take on the hardships associated with traveling several hours multiple times per week for training?