Wow, Shearer...such hostilities (what makes you the USC expert anyway?). Missed means they didn't know about or recruit. If you recruit a kid and they don't come, that's different. Your list with modifications:
Some players that Berson missed over the last ten years well here are some mainly from Columbia!!!!!!!! Andy Kwon(Duke and Spring Valley)--told Berson he wanted to leave the state and he was going to Duke during the in-home visit -- received a full academic scholly (i'd go to Duke too!),Jeff Collins(BC/DNP)--not sure on this one, where did he go?, John Wilson(Clemson--admissions told Berson he wouldn't get in,Johnny Tyler(SV/Duke)--not really worth the discussion, he didn't even make the Duke roster, was on the practice squad and quit (why do you think he could have played at USC?),Robby Fitzgerald(SV/Duke)--same story as Tyler I believe,John Hinds(irmo/Kentucky)--don't know him but I'm sure if Phil felt he was good enough to play for USC, Berson would have taken him,Jared Riley(Wando/CofC)--don't know this one,David Gregory(better than Harmon who quit/BC/DNP)--agian if he didn't play, why would a top 20 program recuit him?,Eric Ozmeck(SV/Maryland/Davidson)--offered scholarship to USC and his mom wanted him to go there but he chose Maryland---proved to be too slow at the major D1 level which is why he left MD, no playing time,Nick Hansell(Ridge View/Davidson)--USC didn't feel he could compete against the big boys and told him so instead of leading him on, Joe Mosser(Dreher/Citadel)--cant speak to this one,Clint Smith(BC/DNP)great kid, not ready for major D1 as evident by his not playing,Troy Lessene(BC/CofC)--probably missed this one as far as projections go, but I know Berson told him that it would be a stretch and it would be in his best interest to look elsewhere...again, better than leading the kid on and then dumping him once he arrives if he didn't make it,Montae Seabrook(Wando/CofC)--committed before an offer was made by USC,Randy Owen(Irmo/Coastal)a partial qualifier out of HS..can't be eligible at an SEC school,Cody Perrot(Ridge View/Coastal)--looked at but didn't offer,Jabari Seabrook(BC/CofC)jury still out on how good he'll be...hasn't even played yet, John Cooper(Riverside/Clemson)--wasn't leaving the Clemson area and told USC that and Erik Forbes(seneca/Clemson) same as John.

Like it or lump it, USC operates differently than CofC and Duke and the like. They keep a small roster 24 vs 35 and don't tell kids they can play only to put them on a practice squad. If you're on the team at USC then you go to everything.

They do look at and recruit instate kids but a lot of times, those kids don't chose USC. Hans did and made great strides become the MVP. What a great story that was and is.
