Now were getting to the heart of the matter.
"Where does USC come off telling kids they are not good enough at his level?"
It's the job of a college or professional coach to make opinions and project a players ability at the next level. That's what makes a good recruiter. National team kids are easy...they're all good. It's the sleepers that make or break you. You have to make decisions based on personel and scholarship available. If you don't want to hear it, don't ask.

"it looks to me like alsmost every kid that wasn't good enough was good enough or better!"
Which of these many that you listed started at a major D1 school which USC is (16+NCAA Tourney bids in 25 years), which Furman has become and Clemson has been for quite some time (Ibraham and now Adair)? Charleston is getting there, but not yet.

"Who is to say what would have happened if the SV boys had been given a chance at USC? Carolina wasn't that strong back then in the mid 90's after Clint/Josh left. Duke was in the thick of things with Josh henderson and Ali Curtis. But any way typical Bersonite response! NEVER WRONG!!!!!"
Your right, who knows, but the fact that they didn't make it at Duke says they weren't major D1 prospects. In the mid 90's (93-97) Carolina was at it's height in recent years being ranked in the top 20 all that time with the exception of '96 (when they beat Duke in Charleston). Rob Smith, Chris Faklaris and co left in 94. Clint and Josh left after the 97 season.

"Wilson got in Clemson but not USC!!!!! WRONG USC did not offer. " USC did not offer because they were told he would not be admitted. He was one of those guys that was easy to see he was good.

"fopr Gregory Berson wanted him till a bad call cost him his season his own fault really but for books USC could have had a good player from COla." Ummm, you answered your own question...his fault really.

Clint Smith.."Would have been twice as good as Brockmeyr(SP) and Jordan( what a joke!!!!!!!!)"
Not sure of Clint's year,one would assume that with Ring, Bachmeyer, and Landman on the roster, you would only want a "free" goalkeeper if you had a roster spot available. They only get 24 spots by USC rules.

"I played for the Patriots and was some what looked at by USC. " I guess this is what makes you an expert.

I never claimed to be one.