I know that you think that you are being persecuted but you are not. People all over this message board are laughing at you. Do yourself a favor and stop. I don't know what type of player you are now, and your repetoire of moves are impressive, but you were an average player at Dutch Fork at best. You were not recruited out of high school, you had no honors such as All- Region, All-State, or North-South as Lower pointed out. The old "I have 13 titles in my country" does not wash here. You are not given instant credibility because you come from a country with a soccer tradition.

Hey man, I hope that you take soccer as far as you can if it is your passion, but getting on here and bragging is going to alienate everyone on this board.You seem to think that everyone on here is a hick from South Carolina that has no idea of how the game works. Believe me when I tell you this that you are making a fool of yourself. Everyone here knows that St. Thomas is not very good, but if that is where you want to go, go and have fun and enjoy the game, but don't try to tell this board you are something you are not. The game is an evolution and you may end up in the MLS or anywhere else for that matter, but coming out of high school you were not D1 material. College coaches may make mistakes with marginal players but not with the slam dunks you proclaim to be.

You need to let this go dude for your own good. You are out of your league.