Henry is one of the greatest strikers playing today.

He is good, not the best. The glorious white shirt intimidates him (I am not joking, he is scared). Bring his numbers, that may help.

They're bad because they have Beckham? No. They're bad because Barcelona is so Good.

Not they are bad because of players like Beckam that cannot play at that level.

Barcelona is so good that they lost to Cheelse last year, I doubt they are good enough to win the Champions League this year. When Madrid is good, they win everything!

By gangstas you mean criminal drug addicts right?
Hahaha is that a joke? I am talking about players that pack stadiums, people with skill, with a love for the game... I guess you are not cool enough to know the difference... come to watch an Irmo or Dutch Fork game sometimes... you'll know what I am talking about.

Have you ever seen an entire game of Diego Armando Maradona? Do it, you should. Diego was not even close to what Dennis Rodman was in NBA, but Diego was just as good as Michael Jordan!

He was the best of the best.

Style, technique, fantasy, skill, confidence, leadership, heart... watch a video of Maradona... High School kids need to learn stuff like that, specially when you play at a High School that is not even ranked.

I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of hearing about celebrity and athletic scandals.

Dude, I don't think I've done anything wrong. In fact I try to avoid trouble by bringing good sources and profesional statistic.
