That's the big question. England have long had a problem fielding a world class natural left footed wide player. Joe Cole appeared to be the answer going into the World Cup even though he is not naturally a left footer. Now with the talk of Cole and/or Gerard having to go up front it does beg the question about the midfield. All along I think Lampard and Gerard as a central pairing is not a good match. Liverpool play Gerard on the right, so what do you do with Beckham??
They have put Downing in the squad who is left footed but I would have preferred to see Keiran Richardson there.
If they play Cole up front I think Gerard should play right, Lampard and Carrick central and Lennon or Downing wide left if they want to be an outright attacking threat.
If they want to play careful and cautious which Sven is likely to do, then you may see Hargreaves
on the left and Beckham on the right with Carrick making way for a Lampard/Gerard midfield.
This is where they may run into trouble and end up chasing games because they cannot score.
I can see a win against T&T but a draw against Paraguay and a draw against Sweden which would probably put us out if Sven goes this route. He is not a good tactician at all.!