We can go on and on about the things that went wrong but let's face it... One of the biggest problems the US had against Czech was the speed of play around the field. You can definitely tell the difference between our players who play internationally and those who are domestic players. Landon Donovan did all he is good for 4 years ago. You will never see anything better than what he has done because he came back to the US to improve??? Doesnt say a lot for him because he has not gotten any better playing in the MLS, he's just a big fish in a little pond now. I would love to see Bocanegra in the back as well, but no matter how you shake it, whatever 4 players we have in the back will be severely outclassed. I don't think the US has developed as much as we hear about (due to the #5 FIFA Ranking which is a joke). Tactically we struggled everywhere in the Czech game. And for a team touted as one of the fittest and most physical teams in the world we did not show up. It looked like no one on the pitch cared. And Wayne I hate to disagree with you, but Beasley was probably the most disappointing player on the field. I don't understand how or why Arena never took him off.