Lets get back to the game

1- No way was it a penalty
2- You have to win, might as well die being aggressive - should have played a 3-5-2
3- play quickly and move
4- Even rec players know "never turn into the man" and "if you are in trouble hit it away" or in the case of higher level play the GK. There is no way anyone can rationalize what Reyna did.
5- The most important game in any tournament in any sport is the firts one.

5 simple rules known by all youth players appear to have been lost to the pros.

Dempsey is my player...

We need to throw away the old and start anew

I liked Onyewu (keep your hands down), Conrad, Lewis, Bocanegra. Beasley has superstaritis, Donovan needs to stop being a little kid, both need a good kick in the arse.

And any of our keepers are good.

Not sold on Convey, Johnson, Olsen (why in the world was he in there - fish out of water), someone have O'Brian's head checked .

McBride is a great player who needs a mate up top...period. The man cannot play by himself. But he will be too old for the next one.

So we need new blood, better start looking now....