Beezer: I feel sorry for you.

1) The fact that you assume because I don't have any tolerance for diving/cheating.. that I'm some brainwashed fan of boring crappy soccer..that's sad.

2) I am NOT an England fan. I really don't even follow them at all..but any fool could see that when Lennon was on the pitch..they played better football. (Must I explain the difference between Beckham and Lennon?)

3) Was Australia not an exciting team to watch? Was Holland not an exciting team to watch? Was Ivory Coast not an exciting team to watch? Was France not MAGICAL to watch against Brazil? Was Germany not exciting to watch? Etc etc..

There is exciting, tactical, CLEAN football out there. I don't have to admire C. Ronaldo or Figo or Sorin or Grosso or any of those other hacks because there are plenty of guys out there..that stay on their feet and put the ball in the back of the net.

4) Now..let's have a little analysis of Italy vs Germany.. without any mention of Totti's acrobatics or any of the other phantom broken ankles that they faked to move their team out of their defensive third.

I would be a fool if I tried to pretend Italy doesn't have the best defense in the world..and that Buffon is not an astonishing keeper.. or that Portugal has some of the best individual skill there is.. or that Argentina and Spain can orchestrate combos that make your brain stop.

HOWEVER.. what I saw of Italy yesterday.. was a squad that consitantly got back on defense (which is good..and I would have my players watch that 100x over) ..but instead of hustling or moving as a team into the attack. They opted to either let 1-3 men move the ball up..maybe get the midfield into the attack if they hold it long enough.. or find a freekick everyone could get up into the attack.

Basically.. I didn't see a complete team. Toni minus his 2 goals against Ukraine (which weren't that great) has been a phantom the whole tourney. With some ridiculous saves from Buffon and a clear off the line here and there.. they've made it to the Final. They'll probably win it too.. if France makes it there.. I doubt they have enough left in the tank to slug it out with Italy.

I'm curious to know just what exactly YOU'RE a fan of.. that allows you to disregard all these flopping card sharks??