L-E Dude and Bazza:

Italy are cheats for the domestic scandal not for being divers. Every team in this World Cup dove, baited the referee and went beyond "FIFA fair play" because they knew the initatives sent down to the referees. FIFA is to blame for turning the sport into touch American football and card throwing.

Italy are taking enormous flack in the U.S., more then anywhere in the world, because of the match vs. U.S. Get over it!

Everyone around the world today is praising the Italians for this tournaments's performance while you two burden outdated stereotypes and hard feelings toward Italy.

Two of the World Cup's most theatrical players and divers? Rudi Voeller and, yes, Jurgan Klinsmann. Two Germans. And, if know anything about the 1990 World Cup, then you'll use the word "cheats."