To end on a positive note, what were the best things you got from the World Cup? I love the average Joe's thoughts rather than some 30 second video montage.

Durring the Mexico vs Argentina match a commentator said "Messi isn't experienced enough to know to go down and get the foul." Messi, you stay up and run your ass off!

Both Argentina goals in the Arg v MEX match.

Someone saying that Landon Donovan keeps going to Germany and still doesn't play. Too damn funny.

Shaka Hislop against Sweeden.

Japan scoring first against Brasil, getting Brasil to show the only sparks of the tourny.

Australia! ...and Cahil's first two goals late in the match.

The blonde that was posing with the Brazil flag. Everyone showed a pic of her.

Lahm's opening World Cup goal along with the opening match. Whoever made the call of the hosting team opening instead of the last winner called this one right.

Kyle yelling "It's a sidweinder from Schweinsteiger" at Wild Hare.

The fact that someone could have stabbed C. Ronaldo in the 3rd place match and the ref woudln't have called a foul for it. I really don't like that little turd. Just gives me yet another reason to hate Man U.

Zidane and his return and subsiquent flame out.

Italy's own goal aginst the US.

How England fans are like Yankee fans. I think the opening game of the Yankees was 17 to 3, or something, and the Yankee fans were complaining that they left 21 guys stranded.

Lampard being voted "Miss" England.

Figo's last cross for a goal against Germany. Great shot.

Gattuso. That little guy had a hand ball in a pre Germany practice match. As Bobby McMahon said, that's the kind of intensity he plays with.

The Italian hat being put on the statue and Cannavaro lifting the trophey up. Great moments.

I'm sure I've missed many others.

Two others I just remembered.

John Terry and his defensive bicycle kick to save a goal.

Frogs being the Reason that the Ukraine lost. Too funny!