The most telling part of this article is this:


What makes Nazari unique, Simeone says, is that he founded his club and structured it so that he makes the ultimate decisions.

"All the other coaches operate in a system where they have to answer to boards and to parents," Simeone says. "With the Texans, Hassan is the system. Anyone who doesn't like it can go elsewhere.

"Hassan is the master of his own fate."

Which is the way a club has to be run, Nazari says.

"We have a lot of volunteers with good hearts," Nazari says. "But soccer people have to make soccer decisions. It is a huge mistake some clubs make that because the parents pay the money, they know the game.

"Standing around watching your son or daughter play the game does not make a parent a soccer person, just as standing in an operating room doesn't make someone a surgeon.

"I don't go to our parents and tell them how to run their businesses," he says. "The decisions have to be soccer decisions, not politically correct decisions."

Too often, clubs are run by parents that are interested ultimately only in their child's development and accomplishment rather than that of the team or club!