>>[soccer40] here is a job for you chico.
in the spring when school soccer starts up, you keep up with the wins and losses of the 4a schools and we will see who is the worse.<<

Actually, we can look at last year and see who was worse. Let's say that your daughter played for...oh, I don't know...Rock Hill. Rock Hill went 3-12 last year. Orangeburg Wilkinson went 0-9. Heck...Rock Hill is far from the weakest 4-A school in the state -- according to the rankings there are 8 other teams below it including three teams that didn't win a game.

Bottom line: any school that wants to claim the title of the worst 4-A program is going to have to go through Orangeburg-Wilkinson to do it.

>>the bigger question will be did any of these kids get anything out of playing for their school.the answer may not be the one that this thread got started for but i bet it will be "yes".my daughter played jv the last 2 years and will be a 9th grader this year so she can enjoy the butt whoopings.its not for the lack of trying or for the lack of heart of these kids.when you have a team that not only did no one else ever play club soccer<no one else has ever played soccer.most of these kids cant afford to play club soccer.there was a day when sports were free except for a physical.IT WAS CALLED SCHOOL SPORTS.<<

With a high school participation fees and the like, it seems as if the days of free anything are over.

I am surprised about the "can't afford it" argument in terms of club ball. There are coaches (many times parents) who typically are willing to give of their time. T-shirts don't cost very much and typically you can find a sponsor for those. Is it that people can't afford it -- or is it that people don't care enough to do anything about it?

>>i guess what i am trying to say in all this is,
you shouldnt compare the 2.if a kid wants to do both then do it.if they dont think school ball is up to their ability then they can stay at home in the spring.<<
