hurst... I agreed with Kyle on the marketing/radar screen discussion - you do not do this, you willnot be succesful.

I know of some players that went out-of-state (some of the aiken fire and old GFC come to mind)... but your comment is a double edge sword...

If I stay in-state you will only be seen by in-state, If I go to one of the Elite camps you will be seen by a few more out-of-state coaches (and at least I cannot afford every single SC school camp). But you will not get the broader chance unless you attend a big tournament (say the Jefferson Cup) AFTER you have done all your homework.

The truth is that most kids that play in SC schools that are from out-of-state, where "found" because of their involvement with ODP, Region tournaments and nationals (notice SPRING).

But the key as Chico likes to say is CHOICE. The more exposure the greater the choices. Coaches recruit many more players than they will take because, the more recruits you have the better choices you can make. The same has to be said for the player - the more exposure you have the more choices you have. The caveat is the player must be capable.

Lastly you state to have them see you at a HS playoff - no guarantee that the rest of the HS team will cooperate to get to the playoffs - or a club match.... Club matches are in the fall and the availability of the coach is severely reduced. This is my argument, I work closely with the schools and realize strongly that the school spirit aspect is a key ingredient to teenage life.... All I ask is either work with the player in the give and take scenario or move the sport to the fall.

Are those bombs disguised as footballs I see coming my way????

USMNT2014... I disagree strongly with those club coaches that prevent the players from enjoying HS. Work with each other

practices- with the exception of some schools the quality is not there for the technical or tactical, it is for the physical.

And the last time I discussed for the younger ones practice more than 2 nights parents flipped out (again not all but some - and ussually not a problem with older High level players). In a team sport one dissent and you have problems