I think its more of a no-brainer than in first scenario. A player of that caliber would develop more from that challenging experience than in a high school game. Those kinds of experiences not only help the player become more competitive, but also can give him/her great confidence in him/herself. Also I am not so much thinking of the player's prospective future in college ball, rather the club team's development to get to the level of winning a Regional or more. There are players who excelled tremendously at the club level, and then chose not to pursue college play, due to the particular academics they pursue. I feel the primary focus should be not on what kinds of experiences as a player should I be involved in, so that I may be seen by college coaches, but rather what kinds of expeiences will development me into a better player to help me contribute towards the successes of my club team, again looking towards a Regional title or more. If I have that focus as a player then college ball will come to me, if I so choose.
Regarding the 'myth or no-myth' of being seen/marketed by/to a college coach, the player should possess the ability to play at that level first, then put themselves in a position to be seen and observed by a college coach. Yet, I have also seen a political aspect to the marketing process. Since there are only a few who are selected to play the Div I level, sometimes HS/Club coaches do become overly political in their contacts and with their input about a particular player's abilities.

Last edited by 2004striker; 08/11/06 02:00 PM.