Chico .... I'll be preaching to the choir.... absolute , 100% support. Why? No brainer.... because it is in the player's best interest in developing their potential which is after all what the school is supposed to be teaching.

The only problem you run into is exactly what I was trying to state before. If that player is the "heart and soul" of the HS team, can the coach do without.

Well this is why you coach, in essence - "your best player is injured for a short period of time". Adjust, move on and do the best you can with what you have.

Look at Jamal.. Going to USC, coach puts him in a scrimmage against a lower caliber opponent in a a position he never plays at the end of a game that was already won. Overzelaous opponent goes in hard and Jamal is lost for most of the season. Did anyone worry about the fact that you may lose your star player in the game? what is the difference in the scenarios? In my opinion they are the same