noomberwanchampion might have a point here. I doubt that the private schools like BE and CC really recruit that much. Its probably that kids that parents want them in a private school that are soccer prodigys already know about schools like BE and CC. Basically their reputation does their recruiting for them. I still don't think private schools should be in high school league but the recruiting arguement is becoming less and less valid. I do think that if they do stay in high school league they should move up a classification. If they can pay to play in the high school league why would it matter what their school size is? If they are in the high school league for better competition or whatever reason they are in it then why does CC still play 1A when they would be challenged to their full potential in 2A, same with BE. I don't think the SCISA is a pushover league either. Ben Lippen pulled off a win over State Champion Chapin and Cardinal Newman has certainly not been a push over in recent years. So drop the arguement of recruiting..this isn't the pros or college...coachs really don't have that much time on their hands. But the arguement that they are paying to play pretty much just to bring the trophey home is still valid. If anyone knows... When did the first private school play High School League? It would probably help to find out about the origin of this conflict.