CESA 92G Premier lost the players for the following reasons:
1 girl went to IMG in Florida
2 started high school and went to High School Basket Ball
1 decided to run cross country
1 went to play for the 93 premier team
2 are now playing for the 92 CESA Challenge team which is looking very good.

All of the above were very committed players for the whole of last season. There was no discernable dissension on the team.

I can say for certain that Bridge FA 92 premier will not score a goal against the CESA team in the Challenge league this fall season. In last seasons games they had a small percentage of the ball, were generally outplayed but managed to get the goals. For example in Lexington they were losing 2-0 well into the second half, when a thunderstorm broke out lasted for 20 minutes and CESA restarted with 6 starting players on the bench. Bridge scored with a disputable penalty and then equalized. The CESA starters remained on the bench to give the other girls a decent time in the game. However Bridge have been a bogey team for CESA 92 .

The CESA 92G team this season looks even better as one or holes have been plugged. They are now ranked 24 nationally and 8 regionally. Not bad for a team in such disarray.