I know very little about soccer and have a cesa bias, but I saw the game and it seemed to me that cesa had most of the possession and several near misses, a few that hit the side posts and cross bar. I can't recall if bridge had many chances or any near misses, but I don't think so. (I could be wrong, though, because I do have a tendency to just focus on what the team I'm there to watch is doing.)In my opinion, it looked to me like the cesa team had more threats offensively, but the 2 teams are even enough that future meetings could go either way, depending who is or is not playing at their best, or finishing their chances.

As an aside, I was impressed by the sportsmanship shown by both teams and particularly impressed with the excellent sportsmanship of #11 from the Bridge team. After a tremendous display of skill and speed by one of the extremely talented Cesa players (dribbling almost all the way down the field and through the defense to score Cesa's only goal), #11 for Bridge congratulated the Cesa player on the ensuing kickoff and even gave her a "high 5." They obviously must have known each other from odp or other meetings, but I thought that was remarkable.

I do agree that there does seem to be a level of respect for each other from both teams. I suspect this will be a strong and healthy rivalry for years to come.