I suggested that they do away with the designations "Challenge" and "Classic". These terms are too confusing since they are used differently in NC and GA. What's wrong with Division 1, D2, D3, etc.

A quick look at the league web site shows that, even without the 2 R3PL teams, every age group of boys and girls has at least 14 teams with the exception of U16 girls which have only 11. When there are 12 or more, why not just split them down the middle; half in D1 and half in D2, up to 11 teams in each division? When there is an odd number, that's when the League director can earn his big bucks and make a tough decision as to whether the odd team goes up or down. When there are more than 22 teams, split them into 3 divisions with 7 or more teams each. In the rare case where there are less than 12 teams, put them all in one division. That may lead to some lopsided games, but how often would this occur? This rare circumstance would not be any worse than what we have now across the board.

This should not be that hard to do.

Last edited by Coach P; 09/29/06 01:37 AM.