first and foremost, congrats to Wando. they played hard and picked up the intensity when it was needed. As for complaining about the referee, he did not put the ball into the back of the net. however, he did a poor job of game control. his calls were terriblely inconsistant. his ARs did not help him too much either. they should have done a better job of keeping the trash after the ball was gone out of the game. the only complaint i have with the center referee is that he should keep better control of the time. why did he play an extra 4+ minutes at the end of the second half? why did he signal 1 minute left and play almost 3? no whinning just questions that he needs to answer to himself everytime he looks in the mirror and thinks about the night he did the 4-A championship. i have told my u12 team that referees do not win or lose games, but it was a tough sell to two of my players after the game was over!!!! Again congrats to Wando but also to Irmo. Irmo had a great season with a very talented team and a GREAT coach.