>>[Big Daddy] Chico, what the heck would Jack Welch say about this!! Sounds like incrementalism to me......<<

Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

And yet the problem is that in trying to set a goal for state finalists when you have 75% of them gets to be tough. I think that 100% is a great "stretch" goal but the nature of soccer, and the "one and done" system of the state cup, makes that very, very tough to achieve. So I fell back to incrementalism to try to explain my disappointment.

The core reality of looking at only "in-state" goals is that with my CESA hat on I'd like to see CESA achieve higher finalists counts (i.e., have their premier and challenge teams in the finals as in the competitive U17G match). This is tough to do as well; this year CESA only had it occur in one age group/gender. But I like talking about and differentiating "in-state" goals versus "regional" or "national" goals because I think it gets you thinking more about the club as a whole and not just the "Premier" teams.

Again, I have high expectations for CESA. The truth is that getting five "Challenge" teams into the quarterfinals was a big accomplishment. But the club got six in last year, and of the 32 slots I was hoping to see a lot more challenge teams this year. To do this, CESA is going to have to be more consistent in terms of winning in the South Carolina Challenge League so that they get more favorable, and less intra-club, early seeding.