I'm not sure if I'm reading this chart correctly - the number of SC coaches is down almost 31 percent???? If that is true, WOW!

Coaches/Assistants (06 Purged) 2,249 1,564 -30.46%

Might there be a correlation between players and coaches number going down? We don't have enough quality coaches anyway in SC. Can we afford to another 30% drop in coaches in 2007? If there are clubs/parents out there running coaches off with side-line politics, unrealistic expectations to win, ignorances to the game, etc. then I would imagine the same people are running players off for the same reasons. From what I've been told in talks with other SC coaches in the lowcounrty are that "parent run clubs" care more about their own childern (again politics before PLAYERS) than retaining the highest quality coaches to teach the game. Perhaps POORLY lead super club mergers are at the heart of this loss in numbers? Just a guess. And yes Chico - the drop in girls numbers really does bother me most!