Could it be possible that the soccer public recognizes the political inequities that lie (no pun intended) within the SCYSA and thus have choosen an alternative program for enrolling players? (Ex. US Club Soccer, AYSO, etc...)

Would it be possible to track those numbers? If so, what are the benefits to those others organizations. And if there are more benefits, service and opportunities (w/US Club/AYSO) vs the other, why haven't others recognized and made the switch? Is it simply b/c of the "State Cup" monopoly that USYSA/SCYSA has a strangle hold on as the only means of competing at the next level? (ex. regionals/nationals)? Anyway, I know that US Club has a similar type vehicle...does AYSO? Are they valued differently?

Sorry for all the questions, but this is damning information for SCYSA and youth soccer here in SC. We need alternatives and options. Right?