I can't speak for any other clubs, or officially, but from knowing a lot of the developmental kids at Mt. Pleasant and my involvement with the club, I know a few of the concerns of people who have left, or seriously considered doing so, the sport or club.

Of the players, aside from kids simply losing interest, the parents'/players' main concerns were a program change at the club, increased costs (usually no desire to pay for a child who's not 100% committed to three tournaments + fees), and coaching changes.

As for coaches, I know some teams lost true licensed coaches due to a club decision to use Coerver full time for some levels instead of having coach-run practices (the ones I know, including myself are all at least "D" licensed), so coaches weren't asked back for the next season. I know that some coaches were getting frustrated too with lack of communication between the club and themselves such that some considered finding another club or quitting--whether they did or didn't, I have no idea.

Like I said, I can't say anything about any other clubs or even if this has any effect on the number drop in the grand scheme of things, but this is stuff I've noticed here in Mt. P.

Last edited by adidaskitten86; 01/25/07 08:52 PM.

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; [it] is also what it takes to sit down and listen.