Players like Lehman and Gonzalez played club ball before coming to high school ball...just like the players at Northwestern...Martinez, Benson (both borthers), Kropp, Antinoro, Clark, Ferguson, Parks, Stillman...all on NW's roster, played years of club ball before ever stepping onto a high school field. My point is that "the high school system" doesn't have as much to do with the success of the team as the prior club training does. All these boys who have played club ball have been trained for years outside "the high school system." Also, I believe a former DOC for Discoveries was instrumental in getting Rock Hill High's team to play club ball, for extra training in the off season. How can this be considered to be a part of the "high school system?"

In the past, the majority of boys who played club ball happened to be zoned to attend Northwestern or Fort Mill high school. Very few boys, over the years, have been zoned to attend Rock Hill High. That has now changed...hence, some of, not all of, the reason why Rock Hill is now seeing some success.

Also, for Fernando Gonzalez to play JV before playing Varsity, in my unsolicited opinion, is doing a disservice not only to the soccer program, but also a disservice to Fernando.