CESA is largely synonymous with all soccer in Greenville county (no disrepect to some of the remaining smaller programs). 20 fields between Brushy Creek, MeSA, and Wenwood and whatever at Sunset is simply not enough space for that size of that program. Just look at their competitive teams at U13-U18. Figure 3 teams at each age and gender ... that 36 teams looking to practice on average 3 x per week. Figuring that you can set 2 teams to a field (I know they often place 3 teams on a field) and have two practice time slots per night, that's 9 fields tied up 3 nights a week.

They host games for all ages and levels and accept all comers from the surrounding counties at any level regardless of club. Of course they need more fields. (Now, I'll admit if they (**I mean CESA**, not the state legislatures) invest the money for fields in Columbia or Rock Hill, I'd have something different to say.)

Last edited by greengrass; 03/16/07 04:43 PM.