Manchester - I noted from your prior post that you recommend CUFC run any facility built in the Midlands, not Congaree Rapids or LCSC. Why, because CUFC is the predominate club in the Midlands

Soccersmylife - From prior posts I noted that you are likely a Bridge parent or player. If a facility was built in Charleston, let me guess you would be all for Bridge running the new facility, not Summerville or Charleston United.

CESA parents do not spend their time bemoaning the fact that the only professional soccer team in the State of South Carolina right now is located in Charleston. No, we support the Battery and take our kids to matches, because it is good for soccer in the state not just the lowcountry.

Well CESA is the predominate Club in not just the upstate, but the STATE. I think you will find that CESA approached SCYSA about their desire to host a regionals, not the other way around. I get tired of parents from other clubs complaining whenever CESA does something positive for soccer in the state. We all spend countless hours on this board bemoaoning the fact that soccer is not growing in the State of South Carolina and that generally our state is not as strong at the regional level as say North Carolina or Florida. CESA is taking aggressive steps to try and change both of those things. I wish CUFC and Bridge would spend less time taking pot shots at CESA and more time focusing on growing soccer in our state.