
At least you have provided evidence of some kind of rationalization with your post. And I'm not intending to get into a long debate about it, because I think it will be a great match to watch.

However, in Pinewood's 13 matches, they've given up 10 goals. Yes all to SCHSL teams, but they've also shut out SCHSL teams, Fort Mill, and James Island, and Hoover, the public HS from AL.

I have to admit, I only really "know" the younger players.

Yes, Enzo and Kropp will be a test for the Pinewood defense, but there are a couple that routinely see Enzo during the club season. I believe that the midfield will be hotly contested between the two. I don't know how Coach Wren plays at Northwestern, so I don't really know how to match the midfielders, but the Pinewood midfield should match up very well with them. There was some early talk of the Northwestern defense being suspect, but obviously, only giving up 10 goals, they appear to be solid, so it's hard to say how the Pinewood offense will do against that.

All in all, the makings of a close match. But in the end, that's why they play the game.