Well, I p*ssed someone off did I? Oops "my bad".

First things first - how many of your little boyfriends did you have to collaborate with to contrive such a masterpiece of ignorance, ill-informed "fact" and pure nonsense?
Whatever you say about Ireland at least have the decency to ensure what you say is true. Ireland was never "potato starved" - I take it that you are referring to the Irish Famine which was caused by the landlord system and a blight of the main food source AT THE TIME. To put it in modern day terms...imagine if McDonalds and Burger King went bust America would experience something similar. "Weak cutlure" - we may have crap weather and ugly girls but culture and beer are probably the only aces up Irelands national sleeve. A nation of playwrites, writers and poets dating back to the year dot hardly alludes to a country bereft of cutlure....then again, that depends on your definition of culture - if MTV, TV dinners, blind patriotism and a past war still being fought by those who lost is what floats your boat then I guess the States walks it. i don't need to go to America for an education, I've got my BA so you can keep your Ivy League nonsense. FREEDOM?? You give "us" freedom? OOhh, you have obviously never been outside American borders little man - you have no idea what true freedom is. I'll bet the Iraqis can't wait for your soldiers to bring American freedom to them - oh, if your counrty is the greatest then how come you are having to land your precious planes in Ireland before they set off for the gulf? You, the greatest country on earth needs our help? Just make sure to give us a few potatoes and we'll call it even.

Now...national differences to one side, football, I would LOVE to arrange a little "friendly" with you and your friends (if you have any). Everything you said about Ireland I can let pass, but to threaten me..well, its laughable. I'm not going to make threats about football, I prefer to let my playing do the talking - I'm not going to beat you up, **** up your knees or break methods of a weak player - I'll humiliate you in more ways than the Vietnamese could torture your boys a few years ago....thats a fair comment after your snipe about the famine.

One last thing..."the light of American power" - save that for the boys in Guetanamo Bay, I'm sure they and their friends can't wait to feel that particular embrace (the ones that aren't there already)....but, I'm sure you sleep soundly at night.

Sine le meas


PS - this is a soccer site so keep to the point.