"Fooly", WOW I really just found out how ignorant you really are, so let me one last time waste get a good laugh, while I blast you.
First off, you were correct and this might be the only time, you have in fact "****ed" me off. I just want you to know that if indeed you do come to my country, just once let me hear you critisise it. Becuase if you do I will go through you like **** through a goose!! I will make you wish you were back at "The Lake Isle of Innisfree". I take pride in my great country, unlike a bunch of dirty irish. WE defeated the British, what did you do?
Second, for such a "great" cultural literary backgroud, you sure did miss the sarcasm and the synonyms. Let me explain, potato starved refers to the commonly know potato famine or Irish famine(as you know) and starved is the same as(synonym) famished. Heres a little fact for you, at the same time the U.S. suffured through the same blight, yet we suvived(we are stronger).
Third, that brings me to your playwright/ poet comment. I assure you I know all about Swift, Joyce, Yeats, the "Book of Kells", and yes even Bram Stoker. Appreciate the great literature fellows but WOW fellows talk about sissies!!! By the way not all Americans are fat and lazy as the rest of the world seems to think, but our freedom allows those slobs to do that and I will forever defend it. I do not eat at McD's or BK, even though they are AMERICAN born. Don't even try to bring down our culture, becuase it is just a giant mix of the rest of the world's with freedom and opportunity intermixed.
As for education, great job on getting a BA, but keep working and get back to me. Ivy League? you wish you could be so prestiges as to be able to go to one of thoughs schools.
Next, don't even question freedom. WE fought for ours we know what it is. WE fough for Britain, France, Itailans, North Africans, just to name a few. You **** Europeans better well keep that in mind. Iraq, we have no plans to give them our American freedoms. When we are done with S.H., they can do whatever their culture relegates, as long as we can stop terrorism. If we want to land planes on you rock we will fell free to do so, becuase you will be compensated for it, to bad it won't be in potatoes.(By the way you can thank the Spanish for the potato)
I sure I dont need to go on, just know anytime, anyplace, anything. By the way, you left the topic to argue with high schoolers about "cricket", "gay-Lic football", and "hurling" and "cheerleader" which might just be the one thing we agree on at this point, so take your own advice. You mess with the bull you get the horns.

Si vis pacem, para bellum. Caveant consules.